About the Founder & Creative Director

Several years ago I began to notice the lack of events in the community that were focused on older queer women and folks. I was feeling frustrated, going out late at night and then finding myself one of the oldest people in the room. I was also tired of relying on apps to meet new people -- why should it be so hard to have a face-to-face conversation that doesn't feel high-stakes?

With the encouragement of a few friends and supporters, I decided to launch Saturn Returned, with no event promotion experience whatsoever. I am grateful for the opportunity to use my creative skills to provide this space for the community, and support a small local business at the same time.  

About the Programs Director

Allie Sayre is a community organizer, disability justice activist, and gardener from New York City. She has an expansive array of interests from crafts to playing and producing music, and greatly enjoys the opportunity Saturn Returned affords her of finding new ways to bring people into community. You may have seen her working the door at Saturn Returned, or managing our virtual events on Zoom— always making sure everyone has a good time. Her previous work with organizing efforts include Queer Digital Happy Hour, and a multitude of presentations about queerness and disability justice. 

What's with the name?

Astrology is pretty popular in the queer community, so most folks are familiar with the concept of a Saturn Return already. But to refresh: from the time a person is born, the planet Saturn takes about 30 years to make a full orbit around the sun. This time period represents a cycle of maturation, and usually forces us to become more of an authority in our own lives. Maybe you remember the chaos of this time in your life; maybe you're still going through it! Getting older can be rough, but it's worth it when you can appreciate how far you've come. So now it's time to celebrate that! 

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